
  除了上一篇介绍的常用的 onstat 监控命令,SinoDB数据库还有其他一些常用命令,本文是对这些常用命令的汇总介绍。其中:

  • oninit 实用程序主要用于启动数据库;

  • onmode实用程序用于更改数据库服务器操作模式,并在共享内存、会话、事务、参数和段上执行各种其他操作。

  • oncheck实用程序检查指定的磁盘结构的不一致性、修复不一致索引结构,以及显示有关磁盘结构的信息。oncheck实用程序检查系统目录表时,在其上放置共享锁。在执行修复选项时,它在表上放置互斥锁,所以要谨慎执行oncheck命令。

1. 常用命令

2. 具体说明

oninit -v


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ oninit -v
Reading configuration file '/home/informix/sinodb/etc/onconfig.sinodb'...succeeded
Creating /INFORMIXTMP/.infxdirs...succeeded
Allocating and attaching to shared memory...succeeded
Creating resident pool 22166 kbytes...succeeded
Creating infos file "/home/informix/sinodb/etc/.infos.sinodb"...succeeded
Linking conf file "/home/informix/sinodb/etc/.conf.sinodb"...succeeded
Initializing rhead structure...rhlock_t 32768 (1024K)... rlock_t (13281K)... Writing to infos file...succeeded
Initialization of Encryption...succeeded
Initializing ASF...succeeded
Initializing Dictionary Cache and SPL Routine Cache...succeeded
Initializing encryption-at-rest if necessary...succeeded
Bringing up ADM VP...succeeded
Creating VP classes...succeeded
Forking main_loop thread...succeeded
Initializing DR structures...succeeded
Forking 1 'soctcp' listener threads...succeeded
Starting tracing...succeeded
Initializing 32 flushers...succeeded
Initializing SDS Server network connections...succeeded
Initializing log/checkpoint information...succeeded
Initializing dbspaces...succeeded
Opening primary chunks...succeeded
Validating chunks...succeeded
Initialize Async Log Flusher...succeeded
Starting B-tree Scanner...succeeded
Init ReadAhead Daemon...succeeded
Init DB Util Daemon...succeeded
Initializing DBSPACETEMP list...succeeded
Init Auto Tuning Daemon...succeeded
Checking database partition index...succeeded
Initializing dataskip structure...succeeded
Checking for temporary tables to drop...succeeded
Updating Global Row Counter...succeeded
Forking onmode_mon thread...succeeded
Creating periodic thread...succeeded
Creating VP cache drain thread...succeeded
Creating limits manager thread...succeeded
Starting scheduling system...succeeded
Verbose output complete: mode = 5
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ 

onmode -j


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 00:06:49 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -j
This will change mode to single user. Only DBSA/informix can connect 
in this mode.
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y

All threads which are not owned by DBSA/informix will be killed.
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- Single-User -- Up 00:07:04 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ 

onmode -m


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- Single-User -- Up 17:45:43 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -m
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 17:46:02 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ 

onmode -k


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 17:46:02 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -k

This will take Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server OFF-LINE -
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y

There are 0 user threads that will be killed.
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -
shared memory not initialized for INFORMIXSERVER 'sinodb'

onmode -s /onmode -u


  • onmode -s
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 00:00:19 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -s

This will perform a GRACEFUL SHUTDOWN -
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- Quiescent -- Up 00:00:48 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ 
  • onmode -u
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 00:01:15 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -u

This will perform an IMMEDIATE SHUTDOWN -
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y

There are 0 user threads that will be killed.
Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- Quiescent -- Up 00:02:17 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ 

onmode -l


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- Single-User -- Up 00:09:41 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Physical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numpages   numwrits   pages/io
  P-1  0        1024     37         3          12.33
      phybegin         physize    phypos     phyused    %used   
      3:53             1023945    84192      16         0.00    

Logical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numrecs    numpages   numwrits   recs/pages pages/io
  L-1  0        512      437        89         52         4.9        1.7     
        Subsystem    numrecs    Log Space used
        OLDRSAM      435        119912        
        HA           2          88            

address          number   flags    uniqid   begin                size     used    %used
475dffa8         7        F------  0        2:53               102390        0     0.00
475fbf88         8        A------  0        2:102443           102390        0     0.00
4886fd90         9        A------  0        2:204833           102390        0     0.00
4886fdf8         10       A------  0        2:307223           102390        0     0.00
4886fe60         11       U-B----  11       2:409613           102390       51     0.05
4886fec8         12       U-B----  12       2:512003           102390       10     0.01
4886ff30         13       U------  13       2:614393           102390    40589    39.64
4886ff98         14       U---C-L  14       2:716783           102390        7     0.01
473abf68         15       A------  0        2:819173           102390        0     0.00
47481f40         16       A------  0        2:921563           102390        0     0.00
 10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -l
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- Single-User -- Up 00:10:14 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Physical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numpages   numwrits   pages/io
  P-1  16       1024     86         5          17.20
      phybegin         physize    phypos     phyused    %used   
      3:53             1023945    84192      32         0.00    

Logical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numrecs    numpages   numwrits   recs/pages pages/io
  L-3  0        512      440        91         54         4.8        1.7     
        Subsystem    numrecs    Log Space used
        OLDRSAM      437        119996        
        HA           3          132           

address          number   flags    uniqid   begin                size     used    %used
475dffa8         7        F------  0        2:53               102390        0     0.00
475fbf88         8        A------  0        2:102443           102390        0     0.00
4886fd90         9        A------  0        2:204833           102390        0     0.00
4886fdf8         10       A------  0        2:307223           102390        0     0.00
4886fe60         11       U-B----  11       2:409613           102390       51     0.05
4886fec8         12       U-B----  12       2:512003           102390       10     0.01
4886ff30         13       U------  13       2:614393           102390    40589    39.64
4886ff98         14       U-----L  14       2:716783           102390        8     0.01
473abf68         15       U---C--  15       2:819173           102390        4     0.00
47481f40         16       A------  0        2:921563           102390        0     0.00
 10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ 

onmode -c


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 14 days 21:44:21 -- 2757528 Kbytes

Physical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numpages   numwrits   pages/io
  P-1  39       1024     187723     2708       69.32
      phybegin         physize    phypos     phyused    %used   
      3:53             1023945    45925      39         0.00    

Logical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numrecs    numpages   numwrits   recs/pages pages/io
  L-2  0        512      2255100    274783     222228     8.2        1.2     
        Subsystem    numrecs    Log Space used
        OLDRSAM      2253063    220219132     
        SBLOB        28         2140          
        HA           1986       87384         
        DDL          23         8004          

address          number   flags    uniqid   begin                size     used    %used
47635fa8         7        U-B---L  117      2:53               102390    53713    52.46
47651f88         8        U---C--  118      2:102443           102390       11     0.01
488bfd90         9        F------  0        2:204833           102390        0     0.00
488bfdf8         10       F------  0        2:307223           102390        0     0.00
488bfe60         11       F------  0        2:409613           102390        0     0.00
488bfec8         12       U-B----  112      2:512003           102390     8910     8.70
488bff30         13       U-B----  113      2:614393           102390   102390   100.00
488bff98         14       U-B----  114      2:716783           102390    25185    24.60
473abf68         15       U-B----  115      2:819173           102390   102390   100.00
47481f40         16       U-B----  116      2:921563           102390   102390   100.00
 10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -c
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 14 days 21:44:37 -- 2757528 Kbytes

Physical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numpages   numwrits   pages/io
  P-1  0        1024     187784     2710       69.29
      phybegin         physize    phypos     phyused    %used   
      3:53             1023945    45986      22         0.00    

Logical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numrecs    numpages   numwrits   recs/pages pages/io
  L-1  0        512      2255125    274789     222234     8.2        1.2     
        Subsystem    numrecs    Log Space used
        OLDRSAM      2253087    220221520     
        SBLOB        28         2140          
        HA           1987       87428         
        DDL          23         8004          

address          number   flags    uniqid   begin                size     used    %used
47635fa8         7        U-B----  117      2:53               102390    53713    52.46
47651f88         8        U---C-L  118      2:102443           102390       13     0.01
488bfd90         9        F------  0        2:204833           102390        0     0.00
488bfdf8         10       F------  0        2:307223           102390        0     0.00
488bfe60         11       F------  0        2:409613           102390        0     0.00
488bfec8         12       U-B----  112      2:512003           102390     8910     8.70
488bff30         13       U-B----  113      2:614393           102390   102390   100.00
488bff98         14       U-B----  114      2:716783           102390    25185    24.60
473abf68         15       U-B----  115      2:819173           102390   102390   100.00
47481f40         16       U-B----  116      2:921563           102390   102390   100.00
 10 active, 10 total

onmode -wm


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -c | grep LISTEN_TIMEOUT
# LISTEN_TIMEOUT             - The number of seconds that the server
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g cfg | grep LISTEN_TIMEOUT
LISTEN_TIMEOUT            60
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -wm LISTEN_TIMEOUT=50
Value of LISTEN_TIMEOUT has been changed to 50 seconds.
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -c | grep LISTEN_TIMEOUT
# LISTEN_TIMEOUT             - The number of seconds that the server
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g cfg | grep LISTEN_TIMEOUT
LISTEN_TIMEOUT            50
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ 

onmode -wf

更新内存与onconfig 文件中指定配置参数的值,只有部分参数支持动态更改。

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g cfg | grep LISTEN_TIMEOUT
LISTEN_TIMEOUT            50
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -c | grep LISTEN_TIMEOUT
# LISTEN_TIMEOUT             - The number of seconds that the server
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -wf LISTEN_TIMEOUT=70
Value of LISTEN_TIMEOUT has been changed to 70 seconds.
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -c | grep LISTEN_TIMEOUT
# LISTEN_TIMEOUT             - The number of seconds that the server
LISTEN_TIMEOUT  70              
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g cfg | grep LISTEN_TIMEOUT
LISTEN_TIMEOUT            70
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ 

onmode -z

语法:onmode -z <session_id>

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess - -
> database testdb;

Database selected.

> !onstat -g ses

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 01:35:57 -- 2374324 Kbytes

session                                      #RSAM    total      used       dynamic 
id       user     tty      pid      hostname threads  memory     memory     explain 
60       informix -        0        -        0        16384      12560      off 
59       informix 0        20442    vm84145  1        73728      64776      off 
56       informix -        0        -        0        16384      14176      off 
53       informix -        0        -        1        417792     367968     off 
52       informix -        0        -        1        434176     370648     off 
51       informix -        0        -        1        622592     484920     off 
50       informix -        0        -        1        73728      67280      off 
3        informix -        0        -        0        16384      12560      off 
2        informix -        0        -        0        16384      12560      off 

> select * from t_user;

   f_userid f_username                                               f_age 

          2 Jack                                                        21

1 row(s) retrieved.

> !onmode -z 59
> select * from t_user;    

25582: Network connection is broken.
Error in line 1
Near character position 1


oncheck -cc


oncheck -cc database


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ oncheck -cc testdb

Validating database testdb

    Validating systables for database testdb

    Validating syscolumns for database testdb

    Validating sysindices for database testdb

    Validating systabauth for database testdb

    Validating syscolauth for database testdb

    Validating sysdepend for database testdb

    Validating syssyntable for database testdb

    Validating sysviews for database testdb

    Validating sysconstraints for database testdb

    Validating sysams for database testdb

如果未在 oncheck -cc 中指定数据库名称,那么该命令将对所有数据库检测上面所列的系统目录表。

oncheck -cr

检查保留页。-cr 选项按以下方式检查每个根数据库空间保留页:
• 以 PAGE_CONFIG 保留页验证 ONCONFIG 文件的内容。
• 确保所有块可以打开、块不重叠,且块大小是正确的。

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ oncheck -cr

Validating Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server reserved pages  

    Validating PAGE_PZERO...

    Validating PAGE_CONFIG...

ONCONFIG config file error on element SBSPACENAME.
    Value in reserved page:  
    Value in config file:   sbdbs1
ONCONFIG config file error on element SYSSBSPACENAME.
    Value in reserved page:  
    Value in config file:   sbdbs1

    Validating PAGE_1CKPT & PAGE_2CKPT...
          Using check point page PAGE_1CKPT.

    Validating PAGE_1DBSP & PAGE_2DBSP...
          Using DBspace page PAGE_2DBSP.

    Validating PAGE_1PCHUNK & PAGE_2PCHUNK...
          Using primary chunk page PAGE_1PCHUNK.

    Validating PAGE_1ARCH & PAGE_2ARCH...
          Using archive page PAGE_1ARCH.

oncheck -pe


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ oncheck -pe |more

DBspace Usage Report: rootdbs             Owner: informix  Created: 02/14/2022

 Chunk Pathname                             Pagesize(k)  Size(p)  Used(p)  Free(p)
     1 /home/informix/dbs/rootdbs                     2  1024000    19905  1004095

 Description                                                   Offset(p)  Size(p)
 ------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------
 RESERVED PAGES                                                       0       12
 CHUNK FREELIST PAGE                                                 12        1
 rootdbs:'informix'.TBLSpace                                         13      250
 sysadmin:'informix'.mon_prof                                       263       16
 sysadmin:'informix'.mon_prof_idx2                                  279        4
 sysadmin:'informix'.mon_prof_idx1                                  283        6
 sysadmin:'informix'.aus_cmd_info                                   289        8
 sysadmin:'informix'.aus_cmd_info_index1                            297        4
 sysadmin:'informix'.aus_cmd_info_index2                            301        6
 sysadmin:'informix'.aus_command                                    307        8
 sysadmin:'informix'.mon_memory_system                              315       16
 sysadmin:'informix'.aus_command_ix1                                331       16
 testdb5:'informix'.sysprocbody                                    1535      128
 testdb5:'informix'.sysprocedures                                  1663      128
 testdb5:'informix'.sysdistrib                                     1791      248
 FREE                                                              2039  1021961

 Total Used:     2039
 Total Free:  1021961

BLOBspace Usage Report: bindbs2             Owner: informix  Created: 04/27/2023

 Chunk Pathname                                         Size      Used      Free
    14 /home/informix/dbs/bindbs2                      8    512000       509    511491

 Disk usage for Chunk 14                                             Total Pages
 OVERHEAD                                                                    509
 FREE                                                                     511491

BLOBspace Usage Report: bindbs3             Owner: informix  Created: 04/27/2023

 Chunk Pathname                                         Size      Used      Free
    15 /home/informix/dbs/bindbs3                      4    512000      1015    510985

 Disk usage for Chunk 15                                             Total Pages
 OVERHEAD                                                                   1015
 FREE                                                                     510985

DBspace Usage Report: datadbs6            Owner: informix  Created: 05/22/2023

 Chunk Pathname                             Pagesize(k)  Size(p)  Used(p)  Free(p)
    16 /home/informix/dbs/datadbs6-1                 16    64000       57    63943

 Description                                                   Offset(p)  Size(p)
 ------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------
 RESERVED PAGES                                                       0        2
 CHUNK FREELIST PAGE                                                  2        1
 datadbs6:'informix'.TBLSpace                                         3       50
 testdb:'informix'.t15                                               53        4
 FREE                                                                57    63943

 Total Used:       57
 Total Free:    63943

oncheck -pt


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ oncheck -pt testdb:fy_project

TBLspace Report for testdb:informix.fy_project

    Physical Address               9:5172
    Creation date                  02/22/2023 09:53:24
    TBLspace Flags                 902        Row Locking
                                              TBLspace contains VARCHARS
                                              TBLspace use 4 bit bit-maps
    Maximum row size               13369     
    Number of special columns      18        
    Number of keys                 0         
    Number of extents              1         
    Current serial value           1         
    Current SERIAL8 value          1         
    Current BIGSERIAL value        1         
    Current REFID value            1         
    Pagesize (k)                   2         
    First extent size              8         
    Next extent size               64        
    Number of pages allocated      64        
    Number of pages used           52        
    Number of data pages           35        
    Number of rows                 35        
    Partition partnum              9437422   
    Partition lockid               9437422   

         Logical Page     Physical Page        Size Physical Pages
                    0          9:100821          64         64

                  Index idx_project fragment partition datadbs1 in DBspace datadbs1

    Physical Address               9:176300
    Creation date                  04/21/2023 11:20:19
    TBLspace Flags                 802        Row Locking
                                              TBLspace use 4 bit bit-maps
    Maximum row size               13369     
    Number of special columns      0         
    Number of keys                 1         
    Number of extents              1         
    Current serial value           1         
    Current SERIAL8 value          1         
    Current BIGSERIAL value        1         
    Current REFID value            1         
    Pagesize (k)                   2         
    First extent size              4         
    Next extent size               8         
    Number of pages allocated      8         
    Number of pages used           5         
    Number of data pages           0         
    Number of rows                 0         
    Partition partnum              9437989   
    Partition lockid               9437422   

         Logical Page     Physical Page        Size Physical Pages
                    0          9:176063           8          8