
  本文是SinoDB数据库中常用的 onstat 监控命令的说明。onstat 实用程序读取共享内存结构,并在命令执行时提供有关数据库服务器的统计信息,显示 onstat 输出时,共享内存的内容有可能改变了。onstat实用程序不会在共享内存上放置任何锁,因此执行该实用程序不会影响性能。

1. 常用onstat监控命令

2. 具体说明

onstat -


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 01:42:32 -- 2374324 Kbytes

onstat -c


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -c

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 01:48:29 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Configuration File: /home/informix/sinodb/etc/onconfig.sinodb
# Licensed Material - Property of Sinoregal Corporation
# "Restricted Materials of Sinoregal Corporation"
# Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server
# Copyright Sinoregal Corporation 0000, 2017. All rights reserved.
# Title: onconfig.std
# Description: Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Configuration Parameters
# Important: $INFORMIXDIR now resolves to the environment
# variable INFORMIXDIR. Replace the value of the INFORMIXDIR  
# environment variable only if the path you want is not under 


onstat -d


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -d

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 02:05:30 -- 2374324 Kbytes

address          number   flags      fchunk   nchunks  pgsize   flags    owner    name
47481028         1        0x1        1        1        2048     N  BA    informix rootdbs
48a9e0d8         2        0x1        2        1        2048     N  BA    informix llogdbs
48a9e318         3        0x1        3        1        2048     N  BA    informix plogdbs
48a9e558         4        0x2001     4        1        8192     N TBA    informix tempdbs1
48a9e798         5        0x2001     5        1        8192     N TBA    informix tempdbs2
48a9e9d8         6        0x2001     6        1        8192     N TBA    informix tempdbs3
48a9ec18         7        0x11       7        1        8192     N BBA    informix bindbs1
48a9f028         8        0x8001     8        1        2048     N SBA    informix sbdbs1
48a9f268         9        0x1        9        1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs1
48a9f4a8         10       0x1        10       1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs2
48a9f6e8         11       0x1        11       1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs3
48a9f928         12       0x1        12       1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs4
48a9fb68         13       0x1        13       1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs5
 13 active, 2047 maximum

Note: For BLOB chunks, the number of free pages shown is out of date.
      Run 'onstat -d update' for current stats.

address          chunk/dbs     offset     size       free       bpages     flags pathname
47481268         1      1      0          1024000    1009415               PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/rootdbs
48aa1028         2      2      0          1024000    47                    PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/llogdbs
48aa2028         3      3      0          1024000    2                     PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/plogdbs
48aa3028         4      4      0          64000      63947                 PO-B-- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs1
48aa4028         5      5      0          64000      63947                 PO-B-- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs2
48aa5028         6      6      0          64000      63947                 PO-B-- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs3
48aa6028         7      7      0          512000    ~127872     128000     POBB-D /home/informix/dbs/bindbs1
48aa7028         8      8      0          512000     477454     477465     POSB-D /home/informix/dbs/sbdbs1
                                 Metadata 34482      25659      34482   
48aa8028         9      9      0          1024000    1019026               PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
48aa9028         10     10     0          1024000    1023947               PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/datadbs2-1
48aaa028         11     11     0          1024000    1023947               PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/datadbs3-1
48aab028         12     12     0          1024000    1023947               PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/datadbs4-1
48aac028         13     13     0          1024000    1023947               PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/datadbs5-1
 13 active, 32766 maximum

NOTE: The values in the "size" and "free" columns for DBspace chunks are
      displayed in terms of "pgsize" of the DBspace to which they belong.

Expanded chunk capacity mode: always

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ 



chunk 状态信息标志说明

onstat -D


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -D

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 02:07:41 -- 2374324 Kbytes


address          number   flags      fchunk   nchunks  pgsize   flags    owner    name
47481028         1        0x1        1        1        2048     N  BA    informix rootdbs
48a9e0d8         2        0x1        2        1        2048     N  BA    informix llogdbs
48a9e318         3        0x1        3        1        2048     N  BA    informix plogdbs
48a9e558         4        0x2001     4        1        8192     N TBA    informix tempdbs1
48a9e798         5        0x2001     5        1        8192     N TBA    informix tempdbs2
48a9e9d8         6        0x2001     6        1        8192     N TBA    informix tempdbs3
48a9ec18         7        0x11       7        1        8192     N BBA    informix bindbs1
48a9f028         8        0x8001     8        1        2048     N SBA    informix sbdbs1
48a9f268         9        0x1        9        1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs1
48a9f4a8         10       0x1        10       1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs2
48a9f6e8         11       0x1        11       1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs3
48a9f928         12       0x1        12       1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs4
48a9fb68         13       0x1        13       1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs5
 13 active, 2047 maximum


address          chunk/dbs     offset     page Rd  page Wr  pathname
47481268         1      1      0          2037     836      /home/informix/dbs/rootdbs
48aa1028         2      2      0          515      246      /home/informix/dbs/llogdbs
48aa2028         3      3      0          11       831      /home/informix/dbs/plogdbs
48aa3028         4      4      0          12       84       /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs1
48aa4028         5      5      0          12       88       /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs2
48aa5028         6      6      0          12       88       /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs3
48aa6028         7      7      0          509      0        /home/informix/dbs/bindbs1
48aa7028         8      8      0          14       1        /home/informix/dbs/sbdbs1
48aa8028         9      9      0          103      0        /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
48aa9028         10     10     0          3        1        /home/informix/dbs/datadbs2-1
48aaa028         11     11     0          3        1        /home/informix/dbs/datadbs3-1
48aab028         12     12     0          3        1        /home/informix/dbs/datadbs4-1
48aac028         13     13     0          3        1        /home/informix/dbs/datadbs5-1
 13 active, 32766 maximum

NOTE: The values in the "page Rd" and "page Wr" columns for DBspace chunks 
      are displayed in terms of system base  page size.

Expanded chunk capacity mode: always

onstat -F


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -F

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 12 days 23:15:43 -- 2757528 Kbytes

Fg Writes     LRU Writes    Chunk Writes 
0             0             172307       

address           flusher  state    data     # LRU    Chunk    Wakeups  Idle Tim
475ef8f0         0        I        0        0        2057     1122508  1120526.498
475f01b8         1        I        0        0        361      1120812  1120532.745
475f0a80         2        I        0        0        44       1120495  1120532.967
475f1348         3        I        0        0        5        1120456  1120532.996
475f1c10         4        I        0        0        1        1120452  1120533.005
475f24d8         5        I        0        0        1        1120452  1120533.026
475f2da0         6        I        0        0        1        1120452  1120533.010
475f3668         7        I        0        0        0        1120451  1120532.909
475f3f30         8        I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.029
475f47f8         9        I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.032
475f50c0         10       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.042
475f5988         11       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.049
475f6250         12       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.044
475f6b18         13       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.059
475f73e0         14       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.034
475f7ca8         15       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.048
475f8570         16       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.039
475f8e38         17       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.032
475f9700         18       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.025
475f9fc8         19       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.060
475fa890         20       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.046
475fb158         21       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.052
475fba20         22       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.073
475fc2e8         23       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.028
475fcbb0         24       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.032
475fd478         25       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.046
475fdd40         26       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.039
475fe608         27       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.053
475feed0         28       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.049
475ff798         29       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.051
47600060         30       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.033
47600928         31       I        0        0        0        1120451  1120533.058
      states: Exit Idle Chunk Lru

onstat -k


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -k

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 02:12:45 -- 2374324 Kbytes

address          wtlist           owner            lklist           type     tblsnum  rowid    key#/bsiz
4424d0b0         0                475b09c0           0                    S    100002   204         0       
4424d138         0                475b1b50           0                HDR+S    100002   204         0       
4424d2d0         0                475b1288           448c9550         HDR+S    100002   201         0       
4424d710         0                475b2ce0           0                    S    100002   204         0       
448c9550         0                475b1288           0                    S    100002   204         0       
 5 active, 100000 total, 32768 hash buckets, 0 lock table overflows

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ 


onstat -p


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -p

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 02:14:11 -- 2374324 Kbytes

dskreads   pagreads   bufreads   %cached dskwrits   pagwrits   bufwrits   %cached
2167       2728       38492      94.37   1062       2178       4184       74.62  

isamtot    open       start      read       write      rewrite    delete     commit     rollbk
33839      1640       1907       10654      1439       271        32         116        0

gp_read    gp_write   gp_rewrt   gp_del     gp_alloc   gp_free    gp_curs   
2          0          0          0          0          0          2         

ovlock     ovuserthread ovbuff     usercpu  syscpu   numckpts   flushes   
0          0            0          2.71     1.81     11         24        

bufwaits   lokwaits   lockreqs   deadlks    dltouts    ckpwaits   compress   seqscans  
47         0          17290      0          0          2          27         125       

ixda-RA    idx-RA     da-RA      logrec-RA  RA-pgsused lchwaits  
601        144        71         2          206        43      

onstat -l


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 02:03:10 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Physical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numpages   numwrits   pages/io
  P-1  0        1024     830        17         48.82
      phybegin         physize    phypos     phyused    %used   
      3:53             1023945    84936      0          0.00    

Logical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numrecs    numpages   numwrits   recs/pages pages/io
  L-3  0        512      2542       245        137        10.4       1.8     
        Subsystem    numrecs    Log Space used
        OLDRSAM      2531       326868        
        HA           11         484           

address          number   flags    uniqid   begin                size     used    %used
475dffa8         7        F------  0        2:53               102390        0     0.00
475fbf88         8        A------  0        2:102443           102390        0     0.00
4886fd90         9        A------  0        2:204833           102390        0     0.00
4886fdf8         10       A------  0        2:307223           102390        0     0.00
4886fe60         11       U-B----  11       2:409613           102390       51     0.05
4886fec8         12       U-B----  12       2:512003           102390       10     0.01
4886ff30         13       U------  13       2:614393           102390    40589    39.64
4886ff98         14       U------  14       2:716783           102390        8     0.01
473abf68         15       U---C-L  15       2:819173           102390      153     0.15
47481f40         16       A------  0        2:921563           102390        0     0.00
 10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ 




onstat -m


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -m

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 01:53:10 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Message Log File: /home/informix/sinodb/tmp/online.log

19:07:48  sid 59 - informix@vm84145 - pid 20442  terminated by onmode -z.
19:10:01  requested number of KAIO events (131072) exceeds limit (16384). using 16384.
19:11:09  sid 61 - informix@vm84145 - pid 20485  terminated by onmode -z.
19:11:58  Checkpoint Completed:  duration was 0 seconds.
19:11:58  Tue Mar  1 - loguniq 15, logpos 0x95018, timestamp: 0x22ce08 Interval: 1373

19:11:58  Maximum server connections 1 
19:11:58  Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 0, Plog used 332, Llog used 72

19:11:58  Increasing # of AIO VPs to 4

19:16:59  Checkpoint Completed:  duration was 0 seconds.
19:16:59  Tue Mar  1 - loguniq 15, logpos 0x97018, timestamp: 0x22ce15 Interval: 1374

19:16:59  Maximum server connections 1 
19:16:59  Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 0, Plog used 19, Llog used 2

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ 

onstat -r


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -r 2

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 02:19:44 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 02:19:46 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 02:19:48 -- 2374324 Kbytes

onstat -x


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -x

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 1 days 01:54:53 -- 2374324 Kbytes

address          flags userthread       locks  begin_logpos      current logpos    isol    rb_time  retrys coord
475e0028         A---- 47599028         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e0398         A---- 475998f0         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e0708         A---- 4759a1b8         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e0a78         A---- 4759aa80         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e0de8         A---- 4759b348         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e1158         A---- 4759bc10         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e14c8         A---- 4759c4d8         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e1838         A---- 4759cda0         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e1ba8         A---- 4759d668         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e1f18         A---- 4759df30         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e2288         A---- 4759e7f8         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e25f8         A---- 4759f0c0         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e2968         A---- 4759f988         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e2cd8         A---- 475a0250         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e3048         A---- 475a0b18         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e33b8         A---- 475a13e0         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e3728         A---- 475a1ca8         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e3a98         A---- 475a2570         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e3e08         A---- 475a2e38         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e4178         A---- 475a3700         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e44e8         A---- 475a3fc8         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e4858         A---- 475a4890         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e4bc8         A---- 475a5158         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e4f38         A---- 475a5a20         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e52a8         A---- 475a62e8         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e5618         A---- 475a6bb0         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e5988         A---- 475a7478         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e5cf8         A---- 475a7d40         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e6068         A---- 475a8608         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e63d8         A---- 475a8ed0         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e6748         A---- 475a9798         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e6ab8         A---- 475aa060         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e6e28         A---- 475aa928         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e7198         A---- 475ab1f0         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e7508         A---- 475abab8         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e7878         A---- 475ac380         0      -                 -                 DIRTY   -        0      
475e7be8         A---- 475acc48         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e7f58         A---- 475b2ce0         0      -                 -                 NOTRANS -        0      
475e82c8         A---- 475b09c0         0      -                 -                 NOTRANS -        0      
475e8638         A---- 475addd8         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e89a8         A---- 475aef68         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e8d18         A---- 475af830         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e9088         A---- 475b00f8         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475e93f8         A---- 475b1288         0      -                 -                 NOTRANS -        0      
475e9768         A---- 475b2ce0         1      -                 -                 DIRTY   -        0      
475e9ad8         A---- 475b1288         2      -                 -                 DIRTY   -        0      
475e9e48         A---- 475b09c0         1      -                 -                 DIRTY   -        0      
475ea1b8         A---- 475b1b50         1      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
475ea528         A---- 475b2418         0      -                 -                 COMMIT  -        0      
 49 active, 128 total, 51 maximum concurrent


onstat -u


address	flags	sessid	user	tty	wait	tout	locks	nreads	nwrites
a120018	---P--D	1	informix	-	0	0	0	50	33
a1204bc	---P--F	0	informix	-	0	0	0	0	278
a120e04	---P--B	7	informix	-	0	0	0	1	0
a1212a8	---P--D	9	informix	-	0	0	0	0	0
a12174c	L--PR--	26	joeg	ttyp2	a01f8d4	-1	1	0	0
a121bf0	Y-BP---	23	lizg	ttyp1	2fb050	0	6	0	0

onstat -u 命令很重要,因为它可以帮助确定会话状态或它的一个线程的状态。例如,可以查看一个会话是否在等待锁、回滚事务或等待检查点完成。

如果有地址被列在 wait 列上,那么该线程在等待特定的条目。条目类型可以由 flags 列的第一个位置中的标识确定。对于很多线程而言,有地址在 wait 列上是很常见的;例如,它在等待一个条件。

想要查看更多关于会话的信息,指定一个会话 ID 并运行onstat -g ses session-id 命令。

flags 列列出了线程的状态。在 flags 列中标识的位置对于识别标识所代表的意义很重要。下面展示了标识位置以及在每个位置中可以使用的标识的列表。

onstat -g ath


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g ath

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 13 days 02:39:02 -- 2757528 Kbytes

 tid     tcb              rstcb            prty status                vp-class       name
 2        4839b6e8         0                1    IO Idle                 3lio*        lio vp 0
 3        483bc368         0                1    IO Idle                 4pio*        pio vp 0
 4        483dd368         0                1    IO Idle                 5aio*        aio vp 0
 5        483fe368         1d39d00          1    IO Idle                 6msc*        msc vp 0
 6        4842f368         0                1    IO Idle                 7fifo*       fifo vp 0
 7        484782f0         475ef028         3    sleeping secs: 1        1cpu         main_loop()
 8        484d6220         0                1    running                 9soc*        soctcppoll
 9        484d6aa0         0                1    running                10soc*        soctcppoll
 10       48513370         0                2    sleeping forever        1cpu*        soctcplst
 11       48513c80         475ef8f0         1    sleeping secs: 1        8cpu         flush_sub(0)
 12       485b8028         475f01b8         1    sleeping secs: 1        1cpu         flush_sub(1)
 13       485b8368         475f0a80         1    sleeping secs: 1        1cpu         flush_sub(2)

onstat -g buf


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g buf

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 13 days 02:47:09 -- 2757528 Kbytes


Buffer pool page size: 2048
dskreads   pagreads   bufreads   %cached dskwrits   pagwrits   bufwrits   %cached
147735     744878     29157135   99.49   373400     586410     1775617    78.97  
bufwrits_sinceckpt  bufwaits   ovbuff     flushes   
0                   968        0          1738      

Fg Writes     LRU Writes    Avg. LRU Time Chunk Writes  Total Mem
0             0             -nan          169655        431Mb   

Bufferpool Segments
id segment      size     # buffs  
0  0xc2653000   431Mb    200000   


Buffer pool page size: 8192
dskreads   pagreads   bufreads   %cached dskwrits   pagwrits   bufwrits   %cached
229        5536       1270884    99.98   3981       20544      910598     99.56  
bufwrits_sinceckpt  bufwaits   ovbuff     flushes   
0                   1          0          341       

Fg Writes     LRU Writes    Avg. LRU Time Chunk Writes  Total Mem
0             0             -nan          3816          80Mb    

Bufferpool Segments
id segment      size     # buffs  
0  0xdd5b8000   80Mb     10000    


Buffer pool page size: 16384
dskreads   pagreads   bufreads   %cached dskwrits   pagwrits   bufwrits   %cached
10         104        86         88.37   1          8          2          50.00  
bufwrits_sinceckpt  bufwaits   ovbuff     flushes   
0                   0          0          1         

Fg Writes     LRU Writes    Avg. LRU Time Chunk Writes  Total Mem
0             0             -nan          1             158Mb   

Bufferpool Segments
id segment      size     # buffs  
0  0xe263f000   158Mb    10000    


Fast Cache Stats
gets       hits       %hits   puts      
6035204    5901352    97.78   9189856   

onstat -g ses

打印Session连接信息。信息包括进程 ID、登录名和主机名。

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g ses

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 9 days 04:05:38 -- 2757528 Kbytes

session                                      #RSAM    total      used       dynamic 
id       user     tty      pid      hostname threads  memory     memory     explain 
216      informix -        0        -        0        16384      12560      off 
215      sinocx   2        31305    vm84145  1        131072     91920      off 
213      informix 0        30048    vm84145  1        86016      73976      off 
210      informix -        358728   192.168. 1        94208      73744      off 
209      informix -        358728   bogon    1        94208      72248      off 
208      informix -        358728   bogon    1        139264     98576      off 
207      informix -        358728   bogon    1        110592     83008      off 
206      informix -        358728   bogon    1        94208      72248      off 
29       informix -        0        -        1        708608     544728     off 
28       informix -        0        -        1        716800     535728     off 
27       informix -        0        -        1        643072     486272     off 
26       informix -        0        -        1        102400     86960      off 
4        informix -        0        -        0        16384      14176      off 
3        informix -        0        -        0        16384      12560      off 
2        informix -        0        -        0        16384      12560      off 

informix 拥有的且进程且ID 为 0 的会话不与用户对应。它们供数据库服务器内部使用。

onstat -g ses 215


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g ses 215

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 9 days 04:32:13 -- 2757528 Kbytes

session           effective                            #RSAM    total      used       dynamic 
id       user     user      tty      pid      hostname threads  memory     memory     explain 
215      sinocx   -         2        31305    vm84145  1        131072     91920      off 

Program :

tid      name     rstcb            flags    curstk   status
2030     sqlexec  47613c80         Y--P---  6448     cond wait  netnorm   -

Memory pools    count 2
name         class addr              totalsize  freesize   #allocfrag #freefrag 
215          V     4b78c040         126976     38384      94         21        
215*O0       V     4a109040         4096       768        1          1         

name           free       used           name           free       used      
overhead       0          6656           scb            0          144       
opentable      0          5952           filetable      0          1064      
log            0          16536          temprec        0          21664     
keys           0          640            gentcb         0          1624      
ostcb          0          2992           sqscb          0          23016     
hashfiletab    0          552            osenv          0          2776      
sqtcb          0          7824           fragman        0          336       
sapi           0          144            

sqscb info
scb              sqscb            optofc   pdqpriority optcompind  directives
4808c1c0         4a228028         0        0           2           1         

Sess       SQL            Current            Iso Lock       SQL  ISAM F.E. 
Id         Stmt type      Database           Lvl Mode       ERR  ERR  Vers  Explain    
215        -              testdb             CR  Not Wait   -272 0    9.24  Off        

Last parsed SQL statement :
  select * from t_employee

如上述示例所示,如果包含一个会话 ID,onstat -g ses 命令可以列出关于该会话的更多特定信息。

一般情况下,对于每个会话只能看到一个线程即sqlexec 线程。但是,排序或索引构建期间,可能会展示多个线程。

onstat -g sql

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g sql

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 9 days 04:45:37 -- 2757528 Kbytes

Sess       SQL            Current            Iso Lock       SQL  ISAM F.E. 
Id         Stmt type      Database           Lvl Mode       ERR  ERR  Vers  Explain    
215        -              testdb             CR  Not Wait   -272 0    9.24  Off        
213        -              testdb             CR  Not Wait   0    0    9.24  Off        
210        -              testdb             CR  Not Wait   0    0    9.28  Off        
209        -              testdb             CR  Not Wait   0    0    9.28  Off        
208        -              testdb             CR  Not Wait   -201 0    9.28  Off        
207        -              testdb             CR  Not Wait   0    0    9.28  Off        
206        -              testdb             CR  Not Wait   0    0    9.28  Off        
29                        sysadmin           DR  Wait 5     0    0    -     Off        
28                        sysadmin           DR  Wait 5     0    0    -     Off        
27                        sysadmin           DR  Wait 5     0    0    -     Off        
26                        sysadmin           CR  Not Wait   0    0    -     Off        

onstat -g sql 命令提供每个会话执行的最后一个SQL 语句的概述信息。onstat -g sql 命令运行结果中包含的字段如下:

列名 说明
Sess Id 用户执行 SQL 语句的会话 ID。您可以通过执行 onstat -g ses 命令查找相应的会话 ID 来查找用户名。
Current Database 会话的当前数据库的名称
Iso Lvl 当前隔离级别 (CR = committed read,RR = repeatable read, CS = cursor stability,DR = dirty read, NL =no logging)
Lock mode 当前锁模式 (Not WaitWait x , 其中x 为等待的秒数)
SQL ERR 最后一个 SQL 错误
F.E.Version 客户端应用程序的星瑞格数据库版本

onstat -g seg


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g seg

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 1 days 07:07:37 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Segment Summary:
id         key        addr             size             ovhd     class blkused  blkfree 
3637252    52564801   44000000         23408640         712648   R     5715     0       
3670021    52564802   45653000         2097152000       24577800 V     16137    495863  
3702790    52564803   c2653000         226308096        1        B     55251    0       
3735559    52564804   cfe26000         84439040         1        B     20615    0       
Total:     -          -                2431307776       -        -     97718    495863  

   (* segment locked in memory)
No reserve memory is allocated

** onstat -g con

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g con

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 13 days 03:03:41 -- 2757528 Kbytes

Conditions with waiters:
cid      addr             name               waiter   waittime
255      48b25ae0         ReadAhead          48       86      
421      4413fd40         bp_cond            89       109     
1923     4a024608         netnorm            2801     1679    
1948     49b53c88         netnorm            2802     1643    
1968     4aa00f80         netnorm            2804     1543 

onstat -g cpu


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g cpu

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 1 days 05:45:57 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Thread CPU Info:
 tid    name              vp       Last Run           CPU Time     #scheds    status
 2      lio vp 0          3lio*   03/01 17:31:18        0.0000          1    IO Idle              
 3      pio vp 0          4pio*   03/01 17:31:20        0.1003          2    IO Idle              
 4      aio vp 0          5aio*   03/02 23:12:07        0.1714        193    IO Idle              
 5      msc vp 0          6msc*   03/01 19:01:45        0.0115          8    IO Idle              
 6      fifo vp 0         7fifo*  03/01 17:31:23        0.1005          2    IO Idle              
 7      main_loop()       8cpu    03/02 23:17:14        0.6485     107851    sleeping secs: 1     
 8      soctcppoll        9soc*   03/02 23:17:14   107149.3314     428965    running              
 9      soctcppoll       10soc*   03/02 23:17:14   103582.4168     414765    running              
 11     flush_sub(0)      8cpu    03/02 23:17:14        0.1898     108003    sleeping secs: 1     
 12     flush_sub(1)      1cpu    03/02 23:17:14        0.1614     107212    sleeping secs: 1     

onstat -g rea


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g rea

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 13 days 03:18:25 -- 2757528 Kbytes

tid tcb rstcb prty status vp-class name
6 536a38 406464 4 ready 3cpu main_loop()
28 60cfe8 40a124 4 ready 1cpu onmode_mon
33 672a20 409dc4 2 ready 3cpu sqlexec

onstat -g glo


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g glo

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 1 days 05:57:14 -- 2374324 Kbytes

MT global info:
sessions threads  vps      lngspins time    
0        61       15       0        107833  

          sched calls     thread switches yield 0   yield n   yield forever
total:    5458482         4561161         897200    4102486   35138    
per sec:  97              97              0         88        0        

Virtual processor summary:
 class       vps       usercpu   syscpu    total   
 cpu         4         21.11     6.01      27.12   
 aio         4         1.06      3.15      4.21    
 lio         1         0.30      0.78      1.08    
 pio         1         0.27      0.78      1.05    
 adm         1         2.76      4.52      7.28    
 soc         2         10.44     9.80      20.24   
 msc         1         0.00      0.00      0.00    
 fifo        1         0.27      0.77      1.04    
 total       15        36.21     25.81     62.02   

Individual virtual processors:
 vp    pid       class       usercpu   syscpu    total     Thread    Eff  
 1     19098     cpu         6.46      1.72      8.18      9.25      88%
 2     19099     adm         2.76      4.52      7.28      0.00       0%
 3     19100     lio         0.30      0.78      1.08      1.08     100%
 4     19101     pio         0.27      0.78      1.05      1.05     100%
 5     19102     aio         0.30      0.86      1.16      1.16     100%
 6     19103     msc         0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00       0%
 7     19104     fifo        0.27      0.77      1.04      1.04     100%
 8     19106     cpu         5.74      1.47      7.21      7.21     100%
 9     19107     soc         5.41      5.07      10.48     NA         NA
 10    19108     soc         5.03      4.73      9.76      NA         NA
 11    19109     aio         0.24      0.76      1.00      1.00     100%
 12    19110     aio         0.27      0.82      1.09      1.09     100%
 13    19710     cpu         4.66      1.39      6.05      6.05     100%
 14    19711     cpu         4.25      1.43      5.68      5.68     100%
 18    20496     aio         0.25      0.71      0.96      0.96     100%
                       tot         36.21     25.81     62.02   


Virtual Processor Summary

Individual virtual processors

onstat -g ckp

打印 checkpoint 历史记录和配置建议

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g ckp

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 1 days 05:21:56 -- 2374324 Kbytes


                                                                    Critical Sections                          Physical Log    Logical Log    
           Clock                                  Total Flush Block #      Ckpt  Wait  Long  # Dirty   Dskflu  Total    Avg    Total    Avg   
Interval   Time      Trigger    LSN               Time  Time  Time  Waits  Time  Time  Time  Buffers   /Sec    Pages    /Sec   Pages    /Sec  
1420       17:12:05  CKPTINTVL  15:0x18c6018      0.0   0.0   0.0   0      0.0   0.0   0.0   336       336     329      0      66       0     
1421       18:12:05  CKPTINTVL  15:0x1902018      0.0   0.0   0.0   0      0.0   0.0   0.0   326       326     321      0      60       0     
1422       19:12:05  CKPTINTVL  15:0x1952018      0.0   0.0   0.0   0      0.0   0.0   0.0   351       351     343      0      80       0     
1423       20:07:06  CKPTINTVL  15:0x195a018      0.0   0.0   0.0   0      0.0   0.0   0.0   9         9       26       0      8        0     
1424       20:12:06  CKPTINTVL  15:0x1990018      0.0   0.0   0.0   0      0.0   0.0   0.0   315       315     314      1      54       0     
1425       21:07:06  CKPTINTVL  15:0x1998018      0.0   0.0   0.0   0      0.0   0.0   0.0   9         9       27       0      8        0     
1426       21:12:06  CKPTINTVL  15:0x19d3018      0.0   0.0   0.0   0      0.0   0.0   0.0   326       326     322      1      59       0     
1427       22:02:06  CKPTINTVL  15:0x19db018      0.0   0.0   0.0   0      0.0   0.0   0.0   10        10      28       0      8        0     
1428       22:12:06  CKPTINTVL  15:0x1a11018      0.0   0.0   0.0   0      0.0   0.0   0.0   316       316     313      0      54       0     

Max Plog       Max Llog       Max Dskflush   Avg Dskflush   Avg Dirty      Blocked      
pages/sec      pages/sec      Time           pages/sec      pages/sec      Time         
10240          1280           0              146            0              0            

onsat -g cfg


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g cfg

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 1 days 04:44:30 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Configuration Parameter List

name                      current value
ROOTNAME                  rootdbs
ROOTPATH                  /home/informix/dbs/rootdbs
ROOTOFFSET                0
ROOTSIZE                  2048000
MIRROR                    0
MIRRORPATH                /home/informix/sinodb/tmp/demo_on.root_mirror
MIRROROFFSET              0
DBSERVERNAME              sinodb
SERVERNUM                 0
MSGPATH                   /home/informix/sinodb/tmp/online.log
CONSOLE                   /home/informix/sinodb/tmp/online.con
TAPEDEV                   /home/informix/backup
TAPESIZE                  0
TAPEBLK                   32
LTAPEDEV                  /home/informix/backup

onstat -g ppf

打印所有分区概要文件。使用 onstat -g ppf partition_number 命令显示指定分区号的分区概要文件。如果 TBLSPACE_STATS 配置参数设置为 0,那么 onstat -g ppf 命令显示:Partition profiles disabled。

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g ppf |more

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 13 days 03:29:33 -- 2757528 Kbytes

Partition profiles
partnum    lkrqs lkwts dlks  touts isrd  iswrt isrwt isdel bfrd  bfwrt seqsc rhitratio
0x6        0     0     0     0     14    0     0     0     0     0     0     0  
0xa        0     0     0     0     15053 0     0     0     12996 0     0     88 
0xe        0     0     0     0     2667634 0     0     0     4082  0     0     100
0xf        0     0     0     0     1199  0     0     0     1185  0     0     65 
0x10       0     0     0     0     13    0     0     0     0     0     0     0  

  • onstat -g lmx
bash: onstst: command not found...
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g lmx

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 13 days 03:38:51 -- 2757528 Kbytes

Locked mutexes:
mid      addr             name               holder   lkcnt  waiter   waittime
134825 7000002043a9148 free_lock 11009 0 200 22921 
 11010 22918 
587817 70000022ddb3268 sync_lock1 200 0 
593614 700000239ce7b68 SB_LTH_LATCH 875 0 
Number of mutexes on VP free lists: 49

onstat -g mem


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g mem

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 1 days 06:01:54 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Pool Summary:
name         class addr             totalsize        freesize         #allocfrag #freefrag 
aqtpool      V     48206040         8192             1128             6          2         
afpool       V     46de5040         12288            5104             5          4         
tpcpool      V     481cb040         40960            2168             36         3         
seqpool      V     481fb040         4096             696              2          1         
pnlpool      V     481ce040         53248            3688             46         3         
sbtlist      V     472d0040         20480            7160             4          3         
dstpool      V     481ca040         970752           24944            606        35        
tenprp_cach  V     48448040         8192             4008             8          1         
ampool       V     481f3040         4096             264              7          1         
srvnm_cache  V     481ba040         8192             3920             9          1         
main_loop()  V     4842c040         679936           21976            112        40        
51*O0        V     48cd8040         4096             768              1          1         
RA_req_106_  V     48bfe040         4096             64               2          1         
sb_delundoq  V     47308040         49152            8712             4          3         
XTF_mem      V     48268040         724992           4968             4          3         
52*O0        V     48bae040         4096             768              1          1         
RA_req_107_  V     48f8f040         4096             64               2          1         
RA_req_107_  V     48f6d040         40960            848              3          2         
53*O0        V     48d1d040         4096             768              1          1         
bf_prioswee  V     48c27040         28672            3032             13         4         
memory       V     49073040         28672            3032             13         4         
GridQuery    V     47714040         4096             696              2          1         
readahead_0  V     48baf040         167936           4208             217        13        
userlbacpoo  V     481d2040         8192             3688             2          2         
ritem        V     47480040         77824            6200             34         7         
onlinereorg  V     4843e040         20480            1680             4          3         
session_mgr  V     49123040         28672            3032             13         4         
onmode_mon   V     48c1e040         32768            3600             20         4         
SYS.26.80    V     48c29040         8192             3688             3          2         
lgflushpool  V     48aef040         4096             464              3          1         
2            V     4847d040         16384            3824             16         2         
rsam         V     473ab040         2383872          35128            5032       19        
sscpool0     V     481c0040         12288            1544             2          2         
3            V     4849c040         16384            3824             16         2         
aslogflush   V     48af0040         28672            3032             13         4         
aio          V     47710040         2125824          123456           413        87        
opcinstpool  V     481cd040         8192             2664             3          2         
EXE.51.105   V     49954040         4096             576              4          1         
EXE.51.105   V     498a3040         4096             640              3          1         
EXE.51.105   V     492bf040         53248            1536             505        1         
dbausrpool   V     48202040         8192             2944             15         1         
EXE.52.106   V     498cf040         4096             640              3          1         
EXE.52.106   V     498ce040         4096             704              2          1         
EXE.52.106   V     49329040         4096             504              5          1         
EXE.52.106   V     49ac3040         4096             320              8          1         
EXE.53.107   V     491ce040         4096             640              3          1         
EXE.53.107   V     49af7040         4096             704              2          1         
EXE.53.107   V     49aa9040         4096             504              5          1         
EXE.53.107   V     492fe040         4096             320              8          1         
SES.51.105   V     48dae040         8192             1944             6          2         
SES.52.106   V     48e47040         8192             3696             3          2         
smartblob    V     472ce040         16384            6464             7          3         
gls          V     481bd040         1327104          3800             6197       8         
SES.53.107   V     48ba4040         8192             3696             3          2         
policypool   V     481d1040         8192             3688             2          2         
PRP.51.105   V     48f5d040         4096             176              4          1         
DefConvWrit  V     48264040         16384            2752             102        2         
PRP.52.106   V     48d6b040         4096             360              3          1         
proxyWrite   V     472c2040         49152            2776             2          2         
sysprocpool  V     48203040         8192             3592             3          2         
resroutpool  V     481d0040         8192             3688             2          2         
PRP.53.107   V     490d1040         4096             360              3          1         
periodic     V     49071040         28672            3032             13         4         
btscanner_0  V     48cf3040         94208            15568            35         8         
auto_tune    V     48bd1040         45056            3768             28         5         
smx          V     481a0040         8192             3328             11         1         
sb_delq      V     472d5040         49152            8712             4          3         
resident     R     440ae040         22695936         20376            10         9         
dictpool     V     481c1040         778240           9360             261        6         
grgid_cache  V     481ac040         8192             3920             9          1         
mt           V     46de6040         7651328          293056           6957       131       
env_vars     V     46dc5040         61440            2752             344        1         
50           V     48d9f040         73728            6448             64         7         
51           V     48ce8040         622592           140968           395        41        
hstad_cache  V     481b1040         16384            72               133        1         
52           V     48d62040         557056           93376            390        58        
53           V     48f28040         557056           91592            397        62        
62           V     48fba040         16384            3824             16         2         
aggpool      V     481cf040         8192             3688             2          2         
56           V     48eb4040         16384            2208             22         4         
procpool     V     481c7040         507904           8664             387        20        
extdpool     V     481fc040         8192             1744             9          2         
global       V     46dc4040         15908864         1136960          3959       588       
Shard        V     47716040         28672            4728             3          2         
spnam_cache  V     481a9040         8192             2768             21         2         
compr_cache  V     47712040         8192             4008             8          1         
ctcpool      V     481cc040         86016            1640             80         2         
tmxapool     V     48201040         4096             640              3          1         
sb_arcspace  V     473a5040         8192             1712             4          2         
pwnam_cache  V     481a3040         12288            2704             41         3         
sb_loheader  V     4733a040         282624           6528             413        57        
RSS          V     4844e040         188416           3528             507        43        
rascron      V     48ea1040         65536            12280            39         15        
inhpool      V     481f5040         8192             816              44         1         
pwuid_cache  V     481a6040         8192             2768             21         2         
opcpool      V     481f4040         8192             3208             18         1         
hstnm_cache  V     481ae040         8192             3480             13         1         

Blkpool Summary:
name         class addr             size             #blks     
mt           V     46de8890         4575232          61        
global       V     46de31c0         0                0