某用户使用informix去授权时提示“ 302: No GRANT option or illegal option on multi-table view.”
$ dbaccess sinocxdb -
Database selected.
> grant select on t1 to sinotest;
302: No GRANT option or illegal option on multi-table view.
Error in line 1
Near character position 29
$ dbschema -d sinocxdb -t t1 -ss
DBSCHEMA Schema Utility INFORMIX-SQL Version 12.10.FC8
{ TABLE "sinocx".t1 row size = 4 number of columns = 1 index size = 0 }
create table "sinocx".t1
c1 integer
) extent size 16 next size 16 lock mode row;
revoke all on "sinocx".t1 from "public" as "sinocx";
$ dbaccess sinocxdb -
Database selected.
> grant select on t1 to sinotest;
Permission granted.