

select name, is_logging, is_case_insens from sysdatabases;


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ dbaccess sysmaster -

Database selected.
> select name, is_logging, is_case_insens from sysdatabases;

name            sysmaster
is_logging      1
is_case_insens  0

name            sysutils
is_logging      1
is_case_insens  0

name            sysuser
is_logging      1
is_case_insens  0

name            sysadmin
is_logging      1
is_case_insens  0

name            testdb
is_logging      1
is_case_insens  0

name            tapedb
is_logging      1
is_case_insens  0

6 row(s) retrieved.



database sysmaster;

select * from sysdbslocale;


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ dbaccess - -
> database sysmaster;

Database selected.

> select * from sysdbslocale;

dbs_dbsname  sysmaster
dbs_collate  en_US.819

dbs_dbsname  sysutils
dbs_collate  en_US.819

dbs_dbsname  sysuser
dbs_collate  en_US.819

dbs_dbsname  sysadmin
dbs_collate  en_US.819

dbs_dbsname  testdb
dbs_collate  zh_CN.57372

dbs_dbsname  tapedb
dbs_collate  zh_CN.57372

6 row(s) retrieved.



database <db_name>;

select tabid, tabname, tabtype from systables where tabid >= 100 and tabtype = 'T';


> database tapedb;

Database selected.

> select tabid, tabname, tabtype from systables where tabid >= 100 and tabtype = 'T';

tabid    100
tabname  t_dept
tabtype  T

tabid    101
tabname  t_employee
tabtype  T

2 row(s) retrieved.



database <db_name>;

select colname,coltype,colno from syscolumns where tabid = <tab_id>;


select a.tabname,b.colname,b.coltype,
case   b.coltype
when '0' then 'CHAR'
when '1' then 'SMALLINT'
when '2' then 'INTEGER'
when '3' then 'FLOAT'
when '4' then 'SMALLFLOAT'
when '5' then 'DECIMAL'
when '6' then 'SERIAL'
when '7' then 'DATE'
when '8' then 'MONEY'
when '9' then 'NULL'
when '10' then 'DATETIME'
when '11' then 'BYTE'
when '12' then 'TEXT'
when '13' then 'VARCHAR'
when '14' then 'INTERVAL'
when '15' then 'NCHAR'
when '16' then 'NVARCHAR'
when '17' then 'INT8'
when '18' then 'SERIAL8'
when '19' then 'SET'
when '20' then 'MULTISET'
when '21' then 'LIST'
when '22' then 'Unnamed ROW'
when '40' then 'LVARCHAR'
when '41' then 'CLOB'
when '43' then 'BLOB'
when '44' then 'BOOLEAN'
when '256' then 'CHAR'
when '257' then 'SMALLINT'
when '258' then 'INTEGER'
when '259' then 'FLOAT'
when '260' then 'REAL'
when '261' then 'DECIMAL'
when '262' then 'SERIAL'
when '263' then 'DATE'
when '264' then 'MONEY'
when '266' then 'DATETIME'
when '267' then 'BYTE'
when '268' then 'TEXT'
when '269' then 'VARCHAR'
when '270' then 'INTERVAL'
when '271' then 'NCHAR'
when '272' then 'NVARCHAR'
when '273' then 'INT8'
when '274' then 'SERIAL8'
when '275' then 'SET'
when '276' then 'MULTISET'
when '277' then 'LIST'
when '278' then 'Unnamed ROW'
when '296' then 'LVARCHAR'
when '297' then 'CLOB'
when '298' then 'BLOB'
when '299' then 'BOOLEAN'
when '4118' then 'Named ROW'
end   as   coltypename, b.colno  from systables a left join syscolumns b on a.tabid=b.tabid where a.tabid>99 and a.tabtype='T' order by a.tabname,b.colno;


> database testdb;

Database selected.

> select colname,coltype,colno from syscolumns where tabid =289;

colname  f_employeeid
coltype  2
colno    1

colname  f_deptid
coltype  2
colno    2

colname  f_employeename
coltype  13
colno    3

colname  f_birthdate
coltype  7
colno    4

4 row(s) retrieved.


> select a.tabname,b.colname,b.coltype,
case   b.coltype
when '0' then 'CHAR'
when '1' then 'SMALLINT'
when '2' then 'INTEGER'
when '3' then 'FLOAT'
when '4' then 'SMALLFLOAT'
when '5' then 'DECIMAL'
when '6' then 'SERIAL'
when '7' then 'DATE'
when '8' then 'MONEY'
when '9' then 'NULL'
when '10' then 'DATETIME'
when '11' then 'BYTE'
when '12' then 'TEXT'
when '13' then 'VARCHAR'
when '14' then 'INTERVAL'
when '15' then 'NCHAR'
when '16' then 'NVARCHAR'
when '17' then 'INT8'
when '18' then 'SERIAL8'
when '19' then 'SET'
when '20' then 'MULTISET'
when '21' then 'LIST'
when '22' then 'Unnamed ROW'
when '40' then 'LVARCHAR'
when '41' then 'CLOB'
when '43' then 'BLOB'
when '44' then 'BOOLEAN'
when '256' then 'CHAR'
when '257' then 'SMALLINT'
when '258' then 'INTEGER'
when '259' then 'FLOAT'
when '260' then 'REAL'
when '261' then 'DECIMAL'
when '262' then 'SERIAL'
when '263' then 'DATE'
when '264' then 'MONEY'
when '266' then 'DATETIME'
when '267' then 'BYTE'
when '268' then 'TEXT'
when '269' then 'VARCHAR'
when '270' then 'INTERVAL'
when '271' then 'NCHAR'
when '272' then 'NVARCHAR'
when '273' then 'INT8'
when '274' then 'SERIAL8'
when '275' then 'SET'
when '276' then 'MULTISET'
when '277' then 'LIST'
when '278' then 'Unnamed ROW'
when '296' then 'LVARCHAR'
when '297' then 'CLOB'
when '298' then 'BLOB'
when '299' then 'BOOLEAN'
when '4118' then 'Named ROW'
end   as   coltypename, b.colno  from systables a left join syscolumns b on a.tabid=b.tabid where a.tabid=289 and a.tabtype='T' order by a.tabname,b.colno;

tabname      t_employee
colname      f_employeeid
coltype      2
coltypename  INTEGER
colno        1

tabname      t_employee
colname      f_deptid
coltype      2
coltypename  INTEGER
colno        2

tabname      t_employee
colname      f_employeename
coltype      13
coltypename  VARCHAR
colno        3

tabname      t_employee
colname      f_birthdate
coltype      7
coltypename  DATE
colno        4

4 row(s) retrieved.



database <db_name>;

select tabname,tabtype from systables where tabid >= 100 and tabtype = 'V';


informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess testdb -

Database selected.

> create view v_user as select * from t_user;

View created.

> select tabname,tabtype from systables where tabid >= 100 and tabtype = 'V';

tabname  bld_registered
tabtype  V

tabname  bldi_provided
tabtype  V

tabname  bldi_required
tabtype  V

tabname  v_user
tabtype  V

4 row(s) retrieved.



database <db_name>;

select tabid, idxname,tabid,idxtype from sysindexes where tabid = <tab_id>;


> create index idx_user_name on t_user(f_username asc);

Index created.

> select tabid, idxname,tabid,idxtype from sysindexes where tabid =130;

tabid    130
idxname  idx_user_name
tabid    130
idxtype  D

1 row(s) retrieved.



database <db_name>;

select * from systriggers;

create table t_log(f_logid serial, f_message varchar(50), f_operatedate date);
create table t_sale(f_saleid serial, f_productname varchar(20), f_qty int);

create trigger trg_sale_insert insert on t_sale
referencing new as new_item
for each row 
  insert into t_log(f_message, f_operatedate) values(concat('insert:', new_item.f_productname), today)


> create trigger trg_sale_insert insert on t_sale
> referencing new as new_item
> for each row 
> (
>   insert into t_log(f_message, f_operatedate) values(concat('insert:', new_item.f_productname), today)
> );

Trigger created.

> select * from systriggers;

trigid     9
trigname   trg_sale_insert
owner      informix
tabid      184
event      I
new        new_item
mode       O
collation  zh_CN.57372

1 row(s) retrieved.



database <db_name>;

select procname, procid from sysprocedures where procname like '<key_word>%';

create procedure up_useradd(userid int, username varchar(20))
  insert into t_user values(userid, username);
end procedure;

select procname, procid from sysprocedures where procname like 'up_%';


> create procedure up_useradd(userid int, username varchar(20))
>   insert into t_user values(userid, username);
> end procedure;

Routine created.

> select procname, procid from sysprocedures where procname like 'up_%';

procname  up_useradd
procid    676

1 row(s) retrieved.



database <db_name>;

select * from sysprocedures where procname like '<key_word>%';

database testdb;

create function fn_user_add(user_num int)
returning int as userid, varchar(20) as username

define i int;
define userid int;
define username varchar(20);

for i = 1 to user_num
    let userid = i;
    let username = concat('user_', to_char(i));
    return userid, username with resume;
end for;
end function;

select * from sysprocedures where procname like 'fn_user%';


> create function fn_user_add(user_num int)
> returning int as userid, varchar(20) as username
> define i int;
> define userid int;
> define username varchar(20);
> for i = 1 to user_num
>     let userid = i;
>     let username = concat('user_', to_char(i));
>     return userid, username with resume;
> end for;
> end function;

Routine created.

> select * from sysprocedures where procname like 'fn_user%';

procname        fn_user_add
owner           informix
procid          677
mode            O
retsize         207
symsize         829
datasize        879
codesize        152
numargs         1
isproc          f
paramstyle      I
langid          2
paramtypes      integer 
variant         t
client          f
handlesnulls    t
iterator        t
percallcost     0
internal        f
parallelizable  f
selconst        0.00
collation       zh_CN.57372
procflags       0

1 row(s) retrieved.



database <db_name>;

select * from syssyntable where tabname is not null;

select a.tabid, a.btabid, b.tabname as syn_name, c.tabname as tab_name
(select * from syssyntable where tabname is null) a
inner join systables b
on a.tabid = b.tabid
inner join systables c
on a.btabid = c.tabid;


> database testdb;

Database closed.

Database selected.

> create synonym syn_user for t_user;

Synonym created.

> select a.tabid, a.btabid, b.tabname as syn_name, c.tabname as tab_name
> from
> (select * from syssyntable where tabname is null) a
> inner join systables b
> on a.tabid = b.tabid
> inner join systables c
> on a.btabid = c.tabid;

tabid     185
btabid    130
syn_name  syn_user
tab_name  t_user

1 row(s) retrieved.



drop table if exists t_dept;

create table t_dept(f_deptid int primary key constraint pk_dept_deptid,
    f_deptname varchar(20) not null unique constraint uni_dept_deptname);

drop table if exists t_employee;
create table t_employee(f_employeeid int primary key constraint pk_employee_employeeid,
    f_deptid int references t_dept(f_deptid),
    f_employeename varchar(20) not null,
    f_showname varchar(20) not null unique constraint uni_employee_showname,
    f_age int default 18 check (f_age >0 and f_age <= 120),
    f_employeedate date default today);


database <db_name>;

select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'P';


> select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'P';

constrid    47
constrname  pk_dept_deptid
owner       informix
tabid       186
constrtype  P
idxname      186_47
collation   zh_CN.57372

constrid    50
constrname  pk_employee_employeeid
owner       informix
tabid       187
constrtype  P
idxname      187_50
collation   zh_CN.57372

2 row(s) retrieved.



database <db_name>;

select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'R';


> select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'R';

constrid    52
constrname  r187_52
owner       informix
tabid       187
constrtype  R
idxname      187_52
collation   zh_CN.57372

1 row(s) retrieved.



database <db_name>;

select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'U';


> select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'R';

constrid    52
constrname  r187_52
owner       informix
tabid       187
constrtype  R
idxname      187_52
collation   zh_CN.57372

1 row(s) retrieved.

> select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'U';

constrid    48
constrname  uni_dept_deptname
owner       informix
tabid       186
constrtype  U
idxname      186_48
collation   zh_CN.57372

constrid    51
constrname  uni_employee_showname
owner       informix
tabid       187
constrtype  U
idxname      187_51
collation   zh_CN.57372

2 row(s) retrieved.



database <db_name>;

select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'N';


> select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'N';


constrid    49
constrname  n186_49
owner       informix
tabid       186
constrtype  N
collation   zh_CN.57372

constrid    53
constrname  n187_53
owner       informix
tabid       187
constrtype  N
collation   zh_CN.57372

constrid    54
constrname  n187_54
owner       informix
tabid       187
constrtype  N
collation   zh_CN.57372

20 row(s) retrieved.



database <db_name>;

select * from sysdefaults where tabid = <tab_id>;


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess testdb -

Database selected.

> select * from sysdefaults where tabid =187;

tabid    187
colno    5
type     L
default  AAAAEg 18
class    T

tabid    187
colno    6
type     T
class    T

2 row(s) retrieved.



database <db_name>;

select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'C';

select * from syschecks where type = 'T' and constrid = <constr_id>;


> select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'C';

constrid    55
constrname  c187_55
owner       informix
tabid       187
constrtype  C
collation   zh_CN.57372

1 row(s) retrieved.

> select * from syschecks where type = 'T' and constrid = 55;

   constrid type  seqno checktext                        

         55 T         0 ((f_age > 0 ) AND (f_age <= 120 
         55 T         1 ) )                             

2 row(s) retrieved.



database sysmaster;

select * from sysdbspaces;


> database sysmaster;

Database closed.

Database selected.

> select first 3 dbsnum, name, pagesize, fchunk, nchunks, is_temp, is_blobspace, is_sbspace from sysdbspaces;

dbsnum        1
name          rootdbs
pagesize      2048
fchunk        1
nchunks       1
is_temp       0
is_blobspace  0
is_sbspace    0

dbsnum        2
name          llogdbs
pagesize      2048
fchunk        2
nchunks       1
is_temp       0
is_blobspace  0
is_sbspace    0

dbsnum        3
name          plogdbs
pagesize      2048
fchunk        3
nchunks       1
is_temp       0
is_blobspace  0
is_sbspace    0

3 row(s) retrieved.



database sysmaster;

select * from syschunks;


> database sysmaster;

Database closed.

> select first 3 chknum, dbsnum, pagesize, chksize, nfree, fname from syschunks;

chknum    1
dbsnum    1
pagesize  2048
chksize   1024000
nfree     1009559
fname     /home/informix/dbs/rootdbs

chknum    2
dbsnum    2
pagesize  2048
chksize   1024000
nfree     47
fname     /home/informix/dbs/llogdbs

chknum    3
dbsnum    3
pagesize  2048
chksize   1024000
nfree     2
fname     /home/informix/dbs/plogdbs

3 row(s) retrieved.



database sysmaster;

select * from sysvplst;


> select vpid, pid, classname, thread_run, thread_idle from sysvplst;

       vpid         pid classname               thread_run    thread_idle 

          1        3053 cpu                 24.77661746059 275564.1477024
          2        3062 adm                           0.00           0.00
          3        3063 lio                 0.000418087716 0.100223771208
          4        3065 pio                 0.000555485284  0.10019635524
          5        3066 aio                 0.054207225992 273358.2413387
          6        3067 msc                 0.006060485746 275059.2120034
          7        3068 fifo                 0.00076016436 0.100376504263
          8        3069 cpu                 28.74923207994 275540.3046463
          9        3070 soc                 275586.0738465 0.100419417083
         10        3071 soc                 274694.4578440 0.100389878383
         11        3072 aio                 0.017750250403 273353.2636599
         12        3073 aio                  0.00900443298 273353.1706911
         13        6782 aio                 0.006078412603 259220.2667469
         14       12103 aio                 0.003254824265 237617.6812542

14 row(s) retrieved.



database sysmaster;

select * from sysplog;


> select * from sysplog;

pl_mutex        1142149720
pl_b1mutex      1142149848
pl_b1condition  1142149976
pl_b1used       0
pl_b1copied     0
pl_b1buffer     1156868096
pl_b1wtlist     0
pl_b2mutex      1142150112
pl_b2condition  1142150240
pl_b2used       0
pl_b2copied     0
pl_b2buffer     1158985728
pl_b2wtlist     0
pl_curbp        1142149848
pl_otherbp      1142150112
pl_bufsize      1024
pl_stamp        2168940
pl_chunk        3
pl_offset       53
pl_physize      1023945
pl_phypos       76648
pl_phyused      11
pl_phyarch      0

1 row(s) retrieved.



database sysmaster;

select * from syslogs;


> select first 3 * from syslogs;

number          7
uniqid          0
size            102390
used            0
is_used         0
is_current      0
is_backed_up    0
is_new          0
is_archived     0
is_temp         0
is_pre_dropped  0
flags           0

number          8
uniqid          0
size            102390
used            0
is_used         0
is_current      0
is_backed_up    0
is_new          1
is_archived     0
is_temp         0
is_pre_dropped  0
flags           8

number          9
uniqid          0
size            102390
used            0
is_used         0
is_current      0
is_backed_up    0
is_new          1
is_archived     0
is_temp         0
is_pre_dropped  0
flags           8

3 row(s) retrieved.



database sysmaster;

select * from syssessions;


> select first 3 * from syssessions;

sid         71
username    informix
uid         1001
pid         32726
hostname    vm84145
tty         /dev/pts/1
connected   1646047933
feprogram   /home/informix/sinodb/bin/dbaccess
pooladdr    1221664832
is_wlatch   0
is_wlock    0
is_wbuff    0
is_wckpt    0
is_wlogbuf  0
is_wtrans   0
is_monitor  0
is_incrit   0
state       524289

sid         27
username    informix
uid         1001
pid         0
connected   1645784104
pooladdr    1225199680
is_wlatch   0
is_wlock    0
is_wbuff    0
is_wckpt    0
is_wlogbuf  0
is_wtrans   0
is_monitor  0
is_incrit   0
state       524289

sid         28
username    informix
uid         1001
pid         0
connected   1645784104
pooladdr    1221500992
is_wlatch   0
is_wlock    0
is_wbuff    0
is_wckpt    0
is_wlogbuf  0
is_wtrans   0
is_monitor  0
is_incrit   0
state       524289

3 row(s) retrieved.



select * from sysusers;


> select * from sysusers;

username  informix
usertype  D
priority  9

username  public
usertype  C
priority  5

2 row(s) retrieved.
